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Move animals on or off fields

How to move animals on or off fields. Generating LIS movement forms is optional.

1. Select the field

Select the field you would like to move animals on/off.


2. Movement details

To move animals not within your fields, select 'No' for movement with farm. For this example we are moving animals off, but the steps are the same for moving animals on. You may also notice the 'Create LIS-1 form' button, ignore this for now as we won't be creating one in this example.

Select the address. If there are none in the dropdown you will have to add one by clicking the 'Plus' icon to the right of the input, once the movement is complete this address will get saved to the dropdown for future use. Once you are happy click the 'I don't need a movement form' button.


3. Enter movement count

Enter the counts for the specific animals you are moving. Once you are happy click the 'Save' button to complete the movement.


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